2022 G.E.S Promotion Exam Date, Index Numbers And More

2022 G.E.S Promotion Exam Date, Index Numbers And More

1. First and foremost, are you ready for the aptitude test if it is called for any date in the month of December 2022?

2. Otherwise, join the Best Free G.E.S Promotion Class Online on WhatsApp or on Telegram to try your hands on over 2,000 questions including past questions here

See also: 3 Major Issues On G.E.S Promotion Application Portal Every Applicants Must Be Aware About.

3. Though not officially circulated, it was widely speculated that the index numbers for this year’s promotion aptitude test would be released by 19th November 2022. However, the index numbers are yet to be released as at 5th December 2022

4. Also, it was widely expected that this year’s promotion aptitude test would come off by 3rd week of December, 2022. However, as at 5th December, there is no communication of any date for the aptitude test

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5. The onus now lies on individuals to get themselves ready in case the old speculated date of 3rd week in December for the exam becomes a reality within two weeks of that date

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